Friday, November 25, 2011

Let the 19 hours begin...

Never in my life have I travelled 19 hours to go anywhere.  6 hours have passed and I'm tired!  Mind you, did leave at 10:30 a.m. this morning and now almost 7 p.m.  Flight to Papeete, Tahiti doesn't leave until 11:40 p.m.  Then it's 8.5 hours until we land.  Then another couple hours until we arrive on Moorea.

Flight from YVR to LAX was uneventful.  Saw Mt Saint Helens and took a couple pictures from the plane.  I remember I was living in Creston, BC at the time it erupted and the next day everything was covered in ash.

Anyway, this might be the last Internet access until Saturday sometime, so thought I'd post up something.  Boring, perhaps, but shows I'm alive.  But super tired!

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